I’m Christopher Tolbert, a data scientist, with a focus on sports and media analytics. Here’s a brief summary about me:

  • B.S. Mathematics and Economics
  • MBA, specializing in Operations
  • Limited professional DS experience, but continuing to build cool projects
  • Sports, music, finance = “What piques my interest?”

Why Data Science

My curiosity with numbers started early in life. Second grade. Mr. Jackson’s class. The big jar of jellybeans that I wanted to win so bad, as long as I guessed the number. I tried to figure out how many rows of jellybeans and how many per row. I didn’t win, but I wanted to quantify and enumerate everything around me. I was also the kid that spent more time making excel charts for my Madden Football team than playing the game. I always thought that if I constructed the right combination of “numbers” I could beat any team.

Tools Of The Trade

  • Python
  • Jupyter Notebooks
  • Pandas
  • Scitkit-learn
  • Visualizations
    • Matplotlib
    • Seaborn
    • Bokeh
    • Plotly
  • Web Scraping
    • Selenium
    • BeautifulSoup